Project participants

Project Participants are listed below.

Dr Victor Martinez-Vicente

Dr Victor Martinez-Vicente

Bio-Optical scientist, Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Role in project: Project coordinator

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Kim Hockley

Kim Hockley

Project Manager, Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Role in project: Kim is responsible for the day-to-day management of the project, with collaboration from Victor Martinez-Vicente.

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Dr Angus Atkinson

Dr Angus Atkinson

Marine ecologist, Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Role in project: I am a plankton ecologist with interests in polar zooplankton. Within BOOMS I want to link Southern Ocean seascapes with the distributions of two contrasting but important zooplankton groups - Antarctic krill and salps - and to understand how these habitats change in space and time

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Dr Isabel García Barón

Dr Isabel García Barón

Researcher at AZTI, AZTI

Role in project: Responsible for leading the Ocean Health Impact Assessment Pilot study “Dynamic seascapes and top predators” in WP5

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Dr Sofia Darmaraki

Dr Sofia Darmaraki

Postdoctoral researcher, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)

Role in project: Role in project: WP2.2: 4D seascape algorithms, WP4: Research on marine heatwaves and seascapes - Ocean Health Science Case Studies. Sofia is a physical oceanographer and is interested in extreme (warm/cold ) events in the ocean in relation to climate change and impacts on marine ecosystems.

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Dr Jose A. Fernandes

Dr Jose A. Fernandes

Senior scientist in Big Data for Marine Research and Innovation, AZTI, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA).

Role in project: Lead of WP5 on Ocean Health Impact Assessment Use Cases and leading Fisheries pilot.

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Dr Peter Miller

Dr Peter Miller

Principal Earth Observation Scientist, Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Role in project: Peter has innovated a suite of remote sensing algorithms for detecting and visualising oceanic fronts, and has linked front metrics to the foraging ecology and conservation of marine animals. In BOOMS he is generating ocean front metrics to integrate with optical water types and other factors to form advanced seascape datasets for mapping ocean biodiversity.

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Dr Dionysios Raitsos

Dr Dionysios Raitsos

Assist. Professor of Biological Oceanography, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)

Role in project: WP2.2: 4D seascape algorithms, WP4: science lead - Ocean Health Science Case Studies. Dio is interested in satellite remote sensing applications in ocean colour, phytoplankton, and fisheries, in relation to the regional environmental variability and climate change.

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Dr Shubha Sathyendranath

Dr Shubha Sathyendranath

Merit Remote Sensing Scientist, Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Role in project: In BOOMS I will lead WP6: Ocean Health Scientific Agenda and Roadmap

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Emma Sullivan

Emma Sullivan

Earth Observation Scientist, Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Role in project: In BOOMS I will be supporting WP2 Development and WP3 Dataset generation and validation.

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